About Biometric System:
Products Portfolio
Our presented range mainly consists of the most reliable systems and software like- Time & Attendance Systems
- Security and Surveillance Systems
- IT Services
- IT Products
We have been appreciated for our range of electronic systems by most reputed companies, spread all over the country. This is because we take care of distributing the latest and most reliable range with best service after sales.
Client Satisfaction
We have been able to build relationships with the most elite clients in the country. We are well aware of all the needs and requirements of our clients and provide them products and services accordingly. Further, we offer both at most reasonable prices. We also take care that the pre and post sales queries of our clients are resolved immediately,and we provide them reliable installation and testing services. Apart from the aspects directly related to our products and services,we follow ethical terms and conditions while signing deals, and facilitate our clients with timely deliveries along with easy modes of payment.Why Biometric System ?
What is biometrics, and why is it being so talked about ?
The Biometrics technologies used to measure and analyze personal characteristics, both physiological and behavioral. The best-known use of biometrics for identification is in fingerprinting; other examples include iris scanning and face recognition systems. Because the traits measured by biometrics are unique to each individual, security is far greater than is possible with other systems. In addition, modern technology enables the capturing of biometric information quickly and unobtrusively.
What is Biometric Attendance System ?
Biometrics attendance system used to track each and every person coming to your place is actually who he claims to be or not with its time and other details. It uses finger or face or iris recognition system to verify person's identity and record its time-in and time-out with all required details. Finger print recognition technology is a step towards providing foolproof security by ensuring that the employee is personally present to mark the attendance. It is thus considered as far superior, most reliable technology and an ultimate solution for the long pinching problem of proxy punching.